Fetch run status and output

Inngest provides a way to fetch the status and output of a function run using the REST API. This is useful when:

  • You want to check the status or output of a given run.
  • You want to display the status of a function run in your application, for example, in a user dashboard.

This page provides a quick example of how to fetch the status and output of a function run using the Inngest API.

Quick Snippet

Here is a basic function that processes a CSV file and returns the number of items processed:

const processCSV = inngest.createFunction(
  { id: "process-csv-upload" },
  { event: "imports/csv.uploaded" },
  async ({ event, step }) => {
    // CSV processing logic omitted for the sake of the example
    return {
      status: "success",
      processedItems: results.length,
      failedItems: failures.length,

Triggering the function

To trigger this function, you will send an event "imports/csv.uploaded" using inngest.send() with whatever payload data you need. The inngest.send() function returns an array of Event IDs that you will use to fetch the status and output of the function run.

const { ids } = await inngest.send({
  name: "imports/csv.uploaded",
  data: {
    file: "http://s3.amazonaws.com/acme-uploads/user_0xp3wqz7vumcvajt/JVLO6YWS42IXEIGO.csv",
    userId: "user_0xp3wqz7vumcvajt",
// ids = ["01HWAVEB858VPPX47Z65GR6P6R"]

Fetching triggered function status and output

Using the REST API, we can use the Event ID to fetch all runs triggered by that event using the event's runs endpoint:


To query this, we can use a simple fetch request using our signing key to authenticate with the API. Here, we'll wrap this in a re-usable function:

async function getRuns(eventId) {
  const response = await fetch(`https://api.inngest.com/v1/events/${eventId}/runs`, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.INNGEST_SIGNING_KEY}`,
  const json = await response.json();
  return json.data;

We can now use the Event ID to fetch the status and output of the function run. The getRuns function will return an array of runs as events can trigger multiple runs via fan-out. We'll consider that this event only triggers a single function:

const runs = await getRuns("01HWAVEB858VPPX47Z65GR6P6R");
  run_id: '01HWAVJ8ASQ5C3FXV32JS9DV9Q',
  run_started_at: '2024-04-25T14:46:45.337Z',
  function_id: '6219fa64-9f58-41b6-95ec-a45c7172fa1e',
  function_version: 12,
  environment_id: '6219fa64-9f58-41b6-95ec-a45c7172fa1e',
  event_id: '01HWAVEB858VPPX47Z65GR6P6R',
  status: 'Completed',
  ended_at: '2024-04-25T14:46:46.896Z',
  output: {
    status: "success",
    processedItems: 98,
    failedItems: 2,

If we want to trigger the function then immediately await it's output in the same code, we can wrap our getRuns to poll until the status is Completed:

async function getRunOutput(eventId) {
  let runs = await getRuns(eventId);
  while (runs[0].status !== "Completed") {
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    runs = await getRuns(eventId);
    if (runs[0].status === "Failed" || runs[0].status === "Cancelled") {
      throw new Error(`Function run ${runs[0].status}`);
  return runs[0];

Putting it all together

Brining this all together, we can now trigger the function and await the output:

const { ids } = await inngest.send({
  name: "imports/csv.uploaded",
  data: {
    file: "http://s3.amazonaws.com/acme-uploads/user_0xp3wqz7vumcvajt/JVLO6YWS42IXEIGO.csv",
    userId: "user_0xp3wqz7vumcvajt",

const run = await getRunOutput(ids[0]);
  status: "success",
  processedItems: 98,
  failedItems: 2,

More context

Check the resources below to learn more about working with the Inngest REST API.