Bulk Cancellation

With Inngest, your functions can be running or paused for long periods of time. You may have function with hundreds of steps, or you may be using step.sleep, step.sleepUntil, or step.waitForEvent. Sometimes, things happen in your system that make it no longer necessary to complete running the function, which is when cancelling is necessary.

Inngest provides both a Bulk Cancellation API and UI. The Bulk Cancellation API offers more flexiblity with the support of event expression matching while the Bulk Cancellation UI, available from the Platform, provides a quick way to cancel unwanted Function runs.

Bulk cancel via the REST API

You can also cancel functions in bulk via the REST API. This is useful if you have a large number of functions within a specific range that you need to cancel.

With the POST /cancellations endpoint, you can cancel functions by specifying the app_id, function_id, and a started_after and started_before timestamp range. You can also optionally specify an if statement to only cancel functions that match a given expression.

curl -X POST https://api.inngest.com/v1/cancellations \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer signkey-prod-<YOUR-SIGNING-KEY>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "app_id": "acme-app",
    "function_id": "schedule-reminder",
    "started_after": "2024-01-21T18:23:12.000Z",
    "started_before": "2024-01-22T14:22:42.130Z",
    "if": "event.data.userId == 'user_o9235hf84hf'"

When successful, the response will be returned with the cancellation ID and the cancellation job data:


  "id": "01HMRMPE5ZQ4AMNJ3S2N79QGRZ",
  "environment_id": "e03843e1-d2df-419e-9b7b-678b03f7398f",
  "function_id": "schedule-reminder",
  "started_after": "2024-01-21T18:23:12.000Z",
  "started_before": "2024-01-22T14:22:42.130Z",
  "if": "event.data.userId == 'user_o9235hf84hf'"

To learn more, read the full REST API reference.